За да възпроизведа проблемите, описани в статията; както и за да тествам евентуалните решения, драснах набързо един тестова пакет. Има си кусури – примерно не се държи правилно ако config таблицата е празна – но за решение „набързо“ се получи добре. Всъщност толкова добре, че реших да го сложа тук, да не го загубя 🙂
Идеята е следната: с едно елементарно скриптче се пускат произволен брой sql*plus сесии (аз пробвах с 20 и 40).
for i in `seq 1 20`;
sqlplus /nolog @loader.sql &
Всяка от тях извиква процедурата start_single_process
и толкова.
Зареждането започва с извикване (от друга – контролна – сесия) на start_load
. Добре е да се зададе някакъв wait, пък бил той и 0.01 сек. Иначе става тегаво.
По всяко време зареждането може да бъде прекъснато с pause_load
. Извикването на stop_load
кара sql*plus сесиите да приключат.
create or replace package multi_ses_load is c_status_start constant number := 1; -- the LOADER sessions should run c_status_pause constant number := 0; -- the LOADER sessions should stop c_status_exit constant number := 2; -- the LOADER sessions should exit -- every LOADER process should call this procedure. The procedure will wait for the START signal procedure start_single_process; -- issies the START signal. Parameters: -- part_no: in which partition should we load data -- wait: how many seconds to wait between 2 inserts -- refresh_iterations: how often to refresh the data from the config table procedure start_load(in_part_no in number, in_wait_sec in number default 0, in_refresh_iterations in number default 10); -- changes in which partition should we load data procedure change_part(in_part_no in number); -- changes how many seconds to wait between 2 inserts procedure change_wait(in_wait_sec in number); -- changes how often to refresh the data flrom the config table procedure change_refresh(in_refresh_iterations in number); -- stops the load process until another START signal procedure pause_load; -- restarts the load without changing any parameters procedure restart_load; -- makes the loading processes to exit procedure stop_load; end multi_ses_load;
create or replace package body multi_ses_load is c_alert_name constant varchar2(20) := 'SESS_ALERT'; -- every LOADER process should call this procedure. The procedure will wait for the START signal procedure start_single_process is v_alert_msg VARCHAR2(1800); v_alert_status PLS_INTEGER; v_part_no number; v_wait_sec number; v_refresh_iterations number; v_curr_stat number; v_ses_clob clob; v_my_sid number; v_seed number; procedure read_config_vars is begin -- reed the config variables form teh config table select curr_stat, part_no, wait_sec, refresh_iterations into v_curr_stat, v_part_no, v_wait_sec, v_refresh_iterations from ses_load_parames; end; begin -- init the random generator. we will use the current SID and number of seconds since mignight for seed Select Sid into v_my_sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1; v_seed := (sysdate - trunc(sysdate)) * 1000 * (24 * 60 * 60) + v_my_sid; dbms_random.initialize(v_seed); -- read the config vars read_config_vars; while v_curr_stat in (c_status_start, c_status_pause) -- if the current status is START or PAUSE, we proceed; loop if v_curr_stat = c_status_pause then -- if the status us PAUSE, wait for the signal -- we should register the current session as a consumer for the alert dbms_alert.register(c_alert_name); -- now we can wait for the alert dbms_alert.waitone(c_alert_name, v_alert_msg, v_alert_status); -- refresh the config vars - they may be changed read_config_vars; if v_curr_stat = c_status_exit then exit; end if; end if; -- do 'v_refresh_iterations' inserts for i in 1 .. v_refresh_iterations loop -- insert a row into 'v_part_no' partition insert into ... values (dbms_random.string('P', 32), ...); -- here we should take care of the partition placement commit; dbms_lock.sleep(v_wait_sec); -- wiat for 'v_wait_sec' seconds end loop; -- refresh the config vars after whe have done enough iterations read_config_vars; end loop; end; -- issues the START signal. Parameters: -- part_no: in which partition should we load data -- wait: how many seconds to wait between 2 inserts -- refresh_iterations: how often to refresh the data flrom the config table procedure start_load(in_part_no in number, in_wait_sec in number default 0, in_refresh_iterations in number default 10) is begin -- we set the parameters in the config table update ses_load_parames set curr_stat = c_status_start, part_no = in_part_no, wait_sec = in_wait_sec, refresh_iterations = in_refresh_iterations; commit; -- set teh LOADER processes free :) dbms_alert.signal(c_alert_name, 'Газ!'); commit; end; -- changes in which partition should we load data procedure change_part(in_part_no in number) is begin update ses_load_parames set part_no = in_part_no; commit; end; -- changes how many seconds to wait between 2 inserts procedure change_wait(in_wait_sec in number) is begin update ses_load_parames set wait_sec = in_wait_sec; commit; end; -- changes how often to refresh the data flrom the config table procedure change_refresh(in_refresh_iterations in number) is begin update ses_load_parames set refresh_iterations = in_refresh_iterations; commit; end; -- stops the load process until another START signal procedure pause_load is begin update ses_load_parames set curr_stat = c_status_pause; commit; end; -- restarts the load without changing any parameters procedure restart_load is begin -- we set the parameters in the config table update ses_load_parames set curr_stat = c_status_start; commit; -- set the LOADER processes free :) dbms_alert.signal(c_alert_name, 'Аре пак на пангара!'); commit; end; -- makes the loading processes to exit procedure stop_load is begin -- put the exit flag in teh table update ses_load_parames set curr_stat = c_status_exit; commit; -- is some process is in PAUSE, we should alert him to reread the config vars dbms_alert.signal(c_alert_name, 'Аре да си одиме, момчета!'); commit; end; end multi_ses_load;